check out our services
Tychr helps students with every step of the college application process, including researchig institutions, writing personal essays, completing applications, and developing a waitlist plan. For starters, we learn everything we can about you. The information you provide here will have a significant impact on your submission, so please be thorough. We employ a novel method of school selections and timetable administration. Tychr Admissions can provide you with a customised service plan.

Complete Admissions Package
Designed for rising and current 12th graders
You shouldn’t leave anything to chance. From school selection to application writing to waitlist tactics, we’ve got you covered.
The Full Application consists of:
- Global Assessment of Student Progress
- Methods for Choosing a School
- Organizing a Timeline
- Complete essay writing help for any institution
- We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all applications prior to submission.
- Approach to the Interview
- Conversations about financial help
- An Approach Based on a Waiting List and Rejection

Annual Mentorship Package
Designed for 9th, 10th, or 11th graders
Grades 9–11 are crucial since they shape your college application. Getting through your senior year will be a breeze if you set yourself up for success in your freshman and sophomore years.
The Mentorship Annual Package consists of:
- There will be no limits on the amount of mentoring provided throughout the first year.
- Global Assessment of Student Progress
- Academic organising
- Strategies for Raising Your Grade Point Average
- Preparation Methods for Exams
- Administrative duties beyond the classroom
- Establishing Trust between Teachers and Counsellors
- Pathway Analysis
- Formation of Character
- Preparing for Summer Events

Full Essay Service
Build up a stellar paper from scratch. After doing an in-depth interview with you, we can recommend the most fruitful areas of research and guide you through the writing process, ensuring that you turn in a flawless essay.
- Useful in high-pressure scenarios such as the Common Application essay and applications to prestigious universities.
- Perfect if you have no clue what to expect from universities or how to set yourself apart.
- You can make as many modifications to the document or switch its focus as often as you like. Our goal is for you to submit writings that you are proud of.
- Word count caps pricing.
- You can save money by ordering numerous essays at once.

Essay Editing
You’ve gotten this far in your essay, but you know it might use some
professional editing.
- Extracurricular activities and other application highlights work well.
- This is a fantastic option if you are confident in your presentation skills but would need some expert feedback.
- Costing per word count cap.
- Make use of our discount for ordering numerous essays at once!

Application Review Service
You have submitted your applications and now wish to have them reviewed by an experienced admissions counsellor. All textual parts of the common application will be reviewed as part of the Application Review Service.
- The Common Application Requirements Include: An Essay, a List of Activities, a Short Answer Question About Those Activities, and Any
- COVID-19 Essay (Optional)
- Three complete edits are allowed. As a result, your final applications should be ones you’re excited to send in.
- Charged based on the total number of submissions to evaluate
Send in your college applications in bulk and save time and money.
What our Students Have to say
A few words about us from our students...
Majority of my class struggles to do well in Maths AI HL. Tychr helped me shine through the crowd. The tutors are very approachable and I was able to clear all my questiions really well.
What I found most interesting about them is their experienced tutors. The tutors knew my strengths and weaknesses, and completely invested themselves in my growth. Math has never been more iteresting.
Finding the right SAT tutor has always been so difficult for me, until I found Tychr. Tychr has the solution to all my problems. Whether it be math-related career or just life in general! Thank you for this knowledge-rich experience!
The best thing about the Application Review Service at Tychr is hour customizable it is.